Immersion –
It’s a big part of why my Italy Photography Workshop students love the experiences they have. They have the opportunity to do a “deep dive” into both their photography and the culture of Italy.
Immersion in Photography – When’s the last time you spent a whole week just doing photography? At my workshop, you get to breathe, eat, talk and sleep photography each and every day. My workshop students get more photography done in a week than they typically do in several months. And with the workshop’s “all-inclusive” fee, you won’t need to think about maps, reservations, paying for meals or driving a car on Italian roads; we take care of all of that.
Workshop student Delta said:
“I came home with a fabulous portfolio of work, which I can hardly believe was from just a few days of shooting.”
Immersion in Italy and its Culture. – while immersing themselves in photography, my workshop students also experience a cultural immersion.My workshops are designed to put you into the culture in ways that you likely wouldn’t get traveling on your own. In addition to living inside the culture for a week, visits to wineries and vineyards, artisan cheese makers, and hidden, out-of-the-way locations steep you in all things Italian.
Workshop student Keith said:
“Jeff’s workshop was incredible. His long experience with Tuscany in terms of local photographic locations, local people and customs, together with meticulous planning meant we were whisked from one spot to another with naught to worry about but what to photograph next. In 9 days we covered more ground than I could have covered in a dozen trips to the area on my own.”
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