In Search of the Personal: Photographing Southern Tuscany
Saturday June 2 to Saturday June 9, 2013 – details
The Story of the South: Photographing Puglia
Saturday June 8 to Saturday June 15, 2013 – details
Hone your photographic skills in two classic Italian locations! Small, 7-student groups, great locations and expert instruction combine for a great photography learning experience!
Registration now live – Register Here
June 1 to June 8: Tuscany
“In Search of the Personal: Photographing Southern Tuscany” – an emphasis on development of a personal style. There are few places on earth like Tuscany. Its landscape is the landscape painted by the great artists of the Renaissance. Its architecture is known for its sense of proportion, beauty and attention to minute detail. Its people are distinctive, friendly and resilient. Its light is soft, enveloping and revealing. This experience will allow you to experience Tuscany’s remarkable culture, people, landscape and hill towns and work towards a personal photographic response to the Tuscan sense of place.
How do photographers develop a personal style? When – and how – can a photographer begin to establish a direction in his or her work? Perhaps most importantly, what makes a photograph become a “personal” statement?
June 8 to June 15: Puglia
“The Story of the South: Photographing Puglia” – an emphasis on storytelling through photography and narrative. Puglia (or Apulia), Italy’s southeastern-most region, the “heel” of the boot, is bordered by both the Adriatic and Ionian Seas, giving it one of the longest coastlines of any region in Italy. It is largely untouched by tourists, with a few exceptions. Because of its proximity to Greece and the east, Puglia’s towns have influences that represent those diverse ancient inhabitants.
In both workshops, we will work though a variety of strategies to help us tap into that creative part of our photographic selves. Through lots of image making, a blend of formal and field instruction and plenty of time for discussion and critique, we will work to uncover themes and lines of vision that may not have been previously evident to you. I will push you to go beyond the picturesque and help you discover your own response and tell your own story about these amazing Italian places.
Registration now live – Register Here